“I can develop my personal skills”

Dr. Bianca M. is the head of department of Analytical Techniques at EUROIMMUN and tells us what EUROIMMUN means to her from a professional and personal point of view:

Please introduce yourself shortly and let us know how you came to EUROIMMUN.

My name is Bianca and I started working at EUROIMMUN in 2005. First, I had applied for a vocational training, but then I changed my mind and studied at a university. During my career I worked at EUROIMMUN as a student trainee. After finishing my diploma and doctoral thesis I came back to work here.

What did you study?

I studied biotechnology and then did my doctoral thesis in engineering.

In which area do you work at EUROIMMUN?

I am working in project management and organisation in Analysis Techniques and am head of this division. Before, I worked in Instrumental Analysis Techniques as an application specialist.

Could you please explain shortly what your tasks and responsibilities are as Division Manager?

I am in charge of managing different projects which deal with the development of new analysis devices. This means I am the contact person for many colleagues who are involved in these projects and a kind of interface between the planning and development of the instruments.

What does this mean in practice?

I have to follow the projects’ progress, mostly within the framework of regular meetings, coordinate tasks and define the development targets and content.

What do you like best about your work as Division Manager?

I especially like the inter-disciplinary cooperation with different departments which are involved in the development projects. It is also nice to know that I can change things and create something new with what I am doing.

What characteristics would applicants need to have if they want to work in your team?

To work in Analytical Techniques, you need to be able to communicate and be creative. Problem solving skills, the ability to quickly take decisions and a pragmatic approach to new tasks and challenges are also very helpful.

Are there any other aspects at EUROIMMUN that you’d like to tell us about? What are your highlights, what do you like best here?

I think my personal highlight was to meet my partner here. So I am lucky to not only enjoy superb food during the day at work, but also at home.

I also like the flat hierarchies and the friendly atmosphere between colleagues. Actually, there are so many advantages of working at EUROIMMUN….

Like what?

I can develop my personal skills and my own department. I do also benefit from the many offers for employees, for example the yearly flu shot. Or for example the dance classes in which my partner and I like to participate together. Also, I am a certified Zumba trainer and give Zumba classes to our colleagues in Dassow.

Another nice feature is that the company takes care of my dog, Max. I do not have to worry about where to leave him whilst working and can go for walks with him on my breaks! This makes life so much easier for me!