The MEDICA is considered as leading international medical trade fair for suppliers’ products in medical manufacture. EUROIMMUN presented again with a large booth together with 4,830 other exhibitors in 2014. The conclusion of the organizers is positive: they expect that the 130,000 visitors from about 120 different countries will generate tailwinds for the future export business.

And what will our employees keep in mind? – Some impressions and comments:



I was very happy when a visitor, having some fingerfood and cappuccino, said to me: “It is so nice to see that everything at the EUROIMMUN booth is of familiar quality. Simply a perfect affair …“


I saw a young woman, who is a medical technical assistant, and obviously our computer-aided immunofluorescence microscopy system EUROPattern had been installed in her lab recently. She took her friend by the hand – she must be a medical technical assistant as well – and told her with so much enthusiasm about how much our system simplified her work in the lab. That was nice to see!

I liked to see my collegues enjoying their work at our booth.

The feedback concerning the microscopy seminar, which is regularly offered to a large number of visitors, was very positive as well:


We enjoyed the seminar a lot, particularly the presentation and the practice at the microscope regarding ANCA diagnostics.

The practice at the microscope was extremely helpful, because the theory we had learned could be applied directly.

There was always somebody who could help with the microscope. Very friendly and informative!